The unintentional omission of material facts in your presentations can be as dangerous as fraud. Incompetence is a form of ineptness. You may honestly be able to say you weren’t aware of some critical fact, that if presented, may have turned out to be a deal killer for your client. But in our suit happy society ignorance is not a defense when you should have known better because you
position yourself as financially knowledgeable.
When you can’t explain to an arbitration board why you sold a specific product, how can your client be expected to understand what they’ve purchased. If you didn’t know, you should have known. And even if there was some truth in your statements, a half-truth is never truth. Many a so-called fact being touted in presentations to the public are regurgitated information from someone else, generally a wholesaler or worse a cut and paste job from a suspect source on the Internet.
One last thought: If you’re a rookie or an apprentice in the business, you need to have a qualified partner to guide you in your presentations and conversations with clients and prospects. Don’t go it alone.
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